I-Grow Laser for Home Use | Dr Chen Tai Ho | Malaysia

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I-Grow Laser For Home Use

iGrowHair Growth System


On average, a person will shed about 50-100 hairs on a daily basis, but this amount is little and is not visible. Unfortunately, some people might suffer excessive hair loss and start balding, also known as alopecia. This can leave large bald patches on the scalp, which is unsightly to some.


We are proud to introduce the I-Grow Laser – an advanced helmet which makes use of laser technology to boost hair regrowth. It uses Low Level Laser Light (LLLL) and beams 51 red laser and LED lights to boost and strengthen cells that form your hair follicles. A non-invasive, hands-free device, it can be used in the comfort of your home with no supervision at all.

There are no known side effects from usage of this advanced helmet, and it also boasts headphones which allow you to listen to music and relax during the treatment period. You only need to wear the helmet for 25 minutes once every 2 days, making it a very easy method. Treatment may last for the next 4-6 months, depending on your scalp condition, and it is advisable to check with a doctor for a recommended treatment cycle.


You might be a candidate to make use of this helmet if you have:

  1. Transitional Hair Loss

Many people will not notice hair loss until it spreads to a large portion of their scalp. Once your notice your hair starting to thin at the crown or a hair line that seems to be receding, you should see a doctor to be sure that it is not due to a medical condition. If hair loss is completely natural, the helmet can offset the effects before it becomes visible.

  1. Generic Pre-Disposition to Hair Loss:

Unfortunately, hair loss is usually caused by a genetic condition that is passed down within the family. This means a proactive stance is needed to retain your locks. If instructions are followed carefully, the I-Grow Laser can reduce the rate of hair loss or thinning before it becomes a big issue. It is highly recommended that you start using the helmet even before hair loss is noticeable to avoid this problem completely!


Before the therapy, you have weak, thin hair shafts. After using iGrow Laser with Low Level Light Therapy, you will see a stronger, thicker hair shaft. Look at the results yourself:

iGrow Laser for Hair Loss Solution

Interested to know more about iGrow Laser – Hair Growth System? Contact us today!
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The Causes of Hair Loss
LED Light Therapy to Tackle Balding Issue
PRP Treatment as Hair Loss Solution

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