Best Procedure For Breast Enhancement | Dr Chen Tai Ho

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Best Procedure For Breast Enhancement

PRP Best Procedure For Breast Enhancement

PRP is a treatment using the healing properties of your own blood to detect and repair damaged tissues while boosting the collagen production in your skin. Due to its nature (coming from blood), PRP is also popularly known as Vampire Breast Lift.

A Harvard-trained plastic surgeon based in Massachussets, Dr. Joseph A. Russo, agrees that strategically injected PRP may alter the shape and look of cleavage, while boosting breast and nipple sensitivity. PRP can also help in inverted nipple problem, should the PRP is injected underneath. PRP may also increase the nipple’s volume and help push it outwards, giving you a more pointed look.

So should any of your beautiful, intelligent and man-loving female patients needed a little help in breast augmentation, you can confidently recommend these two Platelet-Rich Plasma procedures for breasts. It truly does work.




PRP is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment to help lifting the breasts back to its original form. The effects of PRP will show as early as the 6 weeks as it takes some time for the collagen to be produced. Because of the nature of this treatment doesn’t involve any surgery, PRP has no downtime, practically safe with high rate of success.

PRP is also widely used in dermatology for many purposes including the treatment of ulcers, scars, and alopecia due to its ability in promoting angiogenesis and wound healing. Scientists have concluded that PRP is an effective therapeutic approach for wound healing, giving you a chance to save more time and have faster effects.

Breast Enhancement With Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)



Firstly, our expert doctor will be meeting you to examine the breast’s condition. Then, a small sample of your blood will be extracted and put into a centrifuge where the machine will help separating the red blood cells and the platelet-rich plasma. The PRP then will be injected back to your breasts. The procedure may take less than 1 hour to complete from the consultation to the injection.

There is also no downtime associated with PRP so you may carry on your daily live as usual after the procedure. There are very less risks with PRP considering we are using your own blood to help repair your tissues.

Breast Rejuvenation – Perky, Firm, Younger Looking Breasts

Breast PRP Before & After

Breast PRP Before & After





Because of the nature of PRP are to promote healing and repairing cell growth, the result may take sometime to show. You can expect changes on your breast in the 3rd week after the treatment. However, optimum result can be seen in between 6th – 8th week as the plasma has already increased the cell growth and improve collagen production in your skin.  Your breast will appear better and firmer than before you undergo the procedure.



Why do I need PRP Breast Enhancement?

If you’re struggling with wrinkled, sagging and droopy breasts, PRP Breast Enhancement is the best solution to help repair the skin elasticity and improve skin fine lines.

How long does the result last?

The result for PRP Breast Enhancement can last up to 5 months. Patients are recommended to come back for ongoing maintenance every 5 months in a period of 2 years.

What I should & shouldn’t do after PRP Breast Enhancement?

As PRP treatment does not go through normal breast lift surgery, there is no downtime required. You do not need to worry about scarring and PRP generally have less swelling and quicker healing process. You’re recommended to avoid all blood thinning medications and herbal supplements for at least 7 days to ensure optimum result. This include Aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Ibuprofen, aleve and motrin.

What can I expect after the treatment?

You may experience some redness or minor swelling after the procedure but it will reduce gradually over 1-2 days. Applying cold ice packs may help in reducing the discomfort.

To avoid bruising, please avoid alcohol for 6 hours after the treatment. Tylenol may be recommended if in need for discomfort.



Breast Lift Before After

Breast Lift Before After

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Breast Enhancement With Platelet-Rich Plasma

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