Fractional CO2 Laser for Acne Scars
This skin disorder is very common during puberty, but fully-grown adults can also be affected by acne. Follicles help to connect the pores in your skin, acting as natural passages for the oil glands positioned just underneath your skin. Producing a natural liquid known as sebum, it helps to transport the dead skin cells through the follicles and brings them to the skin’s surface. As hairs grow out of the follicles, an accrual of oil under the skin may end up completely blocking these follicles which results in the formation of pimples.
According to research, approximately 75% of all 11- to 30-year-olds experience acne at least once in their lives, and can affect both males and females. However, younger men are much more likely to suffer from acne due to the higher amounts of testosterone present in their bodies, which can worsen the condition. If you have never experienced acne, you are very lucky! However, it is safe to assume that most people have suffered from bouts of acne at least once.
A modern form of technology known as Fractional Laser Resurfacing (Lux1540, non-ablative) is known to produce results that are similar to that of ablative laser resurfacing and deep chemical peels, without the discomfort and usual downtime that are attributed to these techniques.
Utilising laser energy micro beams, it penetrates and breaks down your skin tissue through the epidermis. During the process, your body will naturally heal itself and create healthy, replacement tissue for the areas that are affected by the treatment. The scar left behind will be lighter in colour, and the texture of your skin will be more even. It also leaves no noticeable wounds, allowing you to start applying make-up straight after the treatment.
Further sessions tend to be spaced 1-4 weeks apart, with a total of 4-5 sessions for treatment. In the next 3-6 months, some collagen remodelling and skin tightening should help keep your acne-free complexion.
Individuals that have aging, sagging or wrinkled skin can opt for this treatment, which can also treat skin with sun damage or irregular pigmentation.
However, do note that individuals with darker skin are not advised to undergo this procedure as a much longer healing time for the skin’s surface is required.
Do check with your doctor to determine if the treatment is suitable for you, and consider the time needed to recover as well as potential risks. Downtime can be fairly long, and it is important to be fully aware of all requirements and outcomes before making a decision.