Dr Chen Tai Ho

Is Penis Enlargement Surgery Worth The Risk?

Penile enlargement in Malaysia is still quite a relatively recent phenomenon, with few aesthetic clinics offering men the chance to upsize their goods! For many men that want to explore male enhancement surgery, the cause is often to boost their own self-confidence or self-esteem. Although it can be done to improve their sex lives, the main reason is often because they worry about what other men think of them.

How invasive surgery works

There are several methods that you can use to try and get a larger penis, including the vacuum pump, exercises and various weight devices, and even surgery to lengthen or widen the penis. For male enhancement treatments that are not done solely to fix functional issues with the penis, there is considerable risk involved and some medical practitioners even believe that such procedures can cause permanent harm.

The most common way to lengthen the penis involves severing the ligament that connects the penis to the pubic bone, with the skin moved from the abdomen to the shaft of the penis. Cutting this ligament will make the penis look longer as more of it will hang. However, this may cause an erect penis to become unstable.

Other invasive treatments for penile enlargement in Malaysia include taking fat from other parts of the body and injecting it into the shaft of the penis. This is done to give it a thicker appearance, widening the girth. However, some of this fat may be reabsorbed into the body which will leave patients with disappointing results. If this occurs, there is a good chance that the penis will develop a form of curve and appear to be out of shape, resulting in a very odd looking appendage!

Penis enlargement injection

For safe procedures for penile enlargement in Malaysia, it can be done via non-invasive methods. Penis enlargement injections using PRP or dermal fillers are more effective, and are a safe alternative to the methods mentioned above. In addition, the supervision from highly professional and experienced aesthetic doctors means that you will be in good hands, and the risk will be minimised as much as possible.

PRP injection, also known as p-shot, will increase blood circulation around the penis which will lead to firmer erections as well as increase sexual pleasure. Using plasma rich platelets from your own body, it helps to boost the production of new stem cells and growth factors in your penis.

Dermal filler injection is a swift procedure that can be completed in an hour or so, with our experienced aesthetic doctors injecting the fillers into the glans penis, which is the head, as well as the shaft. These fillers will help to bulk up the penis, making it look bigger than usual.

We strongly recommend that you schedule a free consultation session so you can understand the benefits and effects of penis enlargement injections. Our friendly and experienced aesthetic doctors will run you through the entire process, ensuring you will know exactly what you are getting into when signing up for this treatment.

At Premier Clinic, we will take your privacy extremely seriously as we understand that the subject of penis enlargement is not something that is widely discussed and shared, and may even be a source of embarrassment for some.

If you would like to know more about penis enlargement injection or other forms of male enhancement treatments, please do not hesitate to give us a call at 012-662 5552 (TTDI/Bangsar/KL City branch or 016-706 0101 (Puchong branch) to schedule a free consultation session.

Alternatively, you may email us at contactus@premier-clinic.com and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

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