Dr Chen Tai Ho

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant

Starting to lose your hair? For most people, it is stressful when you see your hair thinning. Many people feel old and less attractive when they see they’re having hair loss.

Premier Clinic offers many solutions to address the problem of hair loss. We can help you regain your confidence and your good looks.

Our aesthetic doctors use Stem Cells, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), Hair Filler, LED Phototherapy and medication to regrow hair.

A modern technique of hair restoration is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant. FUE is a more advanced method of hair transplant. It is a more effective way of getting the best result out of every donor hair.

Our highly experienced doctor extracts hair follicles from the donor area, at the back of the scalp. It is then transplanted to the balding area on your scalp and implanted using a powerful stereo microscope in groups of one to four hairs.

This procedure is safe and effective with long lasting results. Watch Dr Foo Wing Jian perform the FUE Hair Transplant on our patient in the video.

Dr Foo Wing Jian

Please contact or email us for more info. Call/Whatsapp 0167060101 (Puchong branch), 012-6625552 (TTDI/Bangsar/KL City branch).
OR Email us at contactus@premier-clinic. We offer free consultation.