Dr Chen Tai Ho

Treatments for Hyperpigmentation – Lasers and More!

Treatments for Hyperpigmentation – Lasers and More!

by | Jan 22, 2015

Hey guys, the weekend is very close so I hope you can all last just a little bit longer through the week and look forward to the rest and recuperation ahead.
As promised, today I will talk about professional treatments but there are simply too many to list out so I will go into detail about them over a few posts. Today’s post will focus on lasers and similar treatments in particular. These are safe and growing in popularity due to its quick nature and relatively little downtime. Let me go over them below.
q-Switch Nd:YAG Laser
This device offers a treatment option that does not cause a lot of pain and is also relatively swift. It is able to treat all types of skin and focuses mainly on age spots, although it may also be used to treat hyperpigmentation. In addition, this laser treatment procedure is approved by the FDA to treat several skin disorders, ensuring its safety as it meets international safety standards.
Before and after laser treatment
It works by targeting the affected area with a laser that eliminates unwanted skin cells, i.e. those affected by pigmentation. By destroying these unsightly skin cells, it allows the skin to naturally generate new ones to take the place of the former cells. The laser can penetrate deep into your skin but it does not cause any damage to the top skin layer!
LED Photomodulation Therapy
This technique is able to treat both hyperpigmentation and age spots effectively, and is quickly increasing in popularity here in Malaysia. The results that it produces look completely natural, with the specific wavelengths of light penetrating the skin at the correct depth to kickstart the healing process efficiently. As it induces the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, it also results in your skin becoming rejuvenated.
Before and after photomodulation therapy
It is not an invasive treatment, which is suitable for individuals who are afraid of move drastic aesthetic treatments. Suitable for patients of any age, you need not worry about any thermal damage or physical trauma as it is completely risk-free.
Carbon Laser Peel
One of the more innovative skin treatments available, it makes use of laser beams to target the pigmentation or age spots on your skin. At the same time, it also gives your skin a more youthful glow. It works by isolating and covering the desired treatment area with a layer of carbon that is thin; after this a laser beam is focused and aimed at this treatment area.
An example of a carbon mask used during treatment (pic from amandaleong.com)
The carbon particles are of a dark shade, allowing it to absorb the laser before a vacuum gets rid of these particles, simultaneously sucking up the skin that is affected by pigmentation. This also triggers your skin to begin producing collagen as well as a new layer. The carbon particles also help to exfoliate the skin, cleaning the pores as well as ensuring that it is very smooth.

Click here to read more about Carbon Laser Peel.

I will continue to highlight other types of treatment in my next post. However if you have any questions or want to schedule an appointment, please call us at +6012-662 5552 or email us at contactus@premier-clinic.com today!